License Details

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Find an option that suits the stage
you're at in your music career

Non-Exclusive Lease


MP3 File

Unlimited Distribution

Unlimited Free Downloads

Unlimited Music Videos

Unlimited Performances

Unlimited Streams

Kizzy retains rights to the beat

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Unlimited Lease


MP3 & Wav File


Unlimited Distribution

Unlimited Free Downloads

Unlimited Music Videos

Unlimited Performances

Unlimited Streams

Kizzy retains rights to the beat

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MP3 & Wav File


Unlimited Distribution

Unlimited Free Downloads

Unlimited Music Videos

Unlimited Performances

Unlimited Streams

You have exclusive rights to use the beat

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What is Music Licensing?

Music licensing is the process of granting permission to use a piece of music for specific purposes, typically in exchange for a fee or royalty. It allows artists to protect their work while enabling others to use it in various projects, from personal endeavors to commercial releases.

Types of Music Licenses:

1. Standard License:

  • A standard license grants the artist the right to use a beat for non-commercial purposes, such as personal projects or demos.

  • It may come with limitations on the number of copies sold or the platforms where the beat can be distributed.

  • Standard licenses are affordable and suitable for artists starting their journey in the industry.

2. Premium License:

  • A premium license offers more extensive rights and flexibility compared to a standard license.

  • It allows for commercial use, including the sale of copies and distribution on platforms like streaming services, radio, or television.

  • Premium licenses come at a higher price point due to the broader scope of usage rights granted.

3. Exclusive License:

  • An exclusive license grants the artist exclusive rights to use the beat for a specific project or period.

  • Once sold, the beat is typically removed from the market, ensuring no one else can purchase it for the duration of the agreement.

  • Exclusive licenses provide the highest level of control and exclusivity but come with a higher price tag.

Considerations When Choosing a License:

1. Intended Use:

  • Consider how you plan to use the beat. Is it for personal use, a commercial release, or a soundtrack for a project?

2. Budget:

  • Determine how much you're willing to invest in licensing the beat. Standard licenses are budget-friendly, while exclusive licenses require a higher investment.

3. Long-Term Goals:

  • Think about your long-term goals as an artist. Do you want to maintain creative control over your work, or are you open to collaborations and licensing opportunities?


Understanding music licensing is essential for up-and-coming artists looking to monetize their craft effectively. By offering various types of licenses, artists can cater to the diverse needs of their projects while ensuring fair compensation for their creative contributions. Whether opting for a standard, premium, or exclusive license, choosing the right license depends on the intended use, budget, and long-term goals of the artist. So, arm yourself with knowledge, explore your options, and make informed decisions to thrive in the dynamic world of music licensing.